Please read these guidelines carefully. When you drop your work off for firing it is understood that you have read and agreed to these guidelines.
Ceramics is an exciting but unpredictable discipline and there are no guarantees with regards to final results. The best advice is to understand your work, understand your materials, understand your clay and understand your methods. It is vital that you know the kind of clay and glazes you are using, the firing temperature, the temperature of the glaze you have applied and the likelihood of the glaze running off the pot and onto the kiln shelf. You will be asked questions about this when firing at Deep Blue Ceramics Studio.
Price includes loading and unloading the kiln, equipment, materials, firing aids, programming, monitoring, and electricity.
Available for contactless drop off and pick up by prior arrangement from Weston, ACT 2611.
Services available:
- Communal Bisque (^06)/Glaze (^6)/Lustre or over glaze decal (^016) Firing
- Full Kiln (private) Firing Bisque/Glaze/Lustre (max ^10)
Your responsibilities are to ensure:
• delivery of work to DBC packed carefully into suitably sized containers/boxes/tubs, that effectively protect and support the weight of your work.
• all work particularly with glaze or surface decoration applied or with delicate parts is adequately padded out and supported by its packaging.
• all clay types and glazes used in work submitted for firing are detailed correctly on the declaration form.
• all work is bone dry.
• no other materials other than clay, glazes, stains or oxides are present in the work. Some things are not suitable to be fired in a kiln and can cause damage to kiln infrastructure and other work.
• the base of your work and 5mm above the base is clean and free of glaze or any other material.
• Work has walls no thicker than 12mm.
• hollow work has a visible hole in it.
• you are familiar with processes you are using to construct your work and the glazes applied.
• Work is picked up promptly at the agreed time/date.
Our responsibilities:
• signing off and going through the checklist with you on delivery of your work.
• professional firing and respectful handling of your work.
• arranging a mutually suitable time/date for pick up of your work once fired.
• carefully repacking your work back into its original packaging ready for pick up.
Important to note:
• Your work will be fired with that of others, unless you are hiring a full kiln (see private firing) .Temperature adjustments are not possible in these firings.
• Whilst all care will be taken during the handling and firing of your work
Deeper Blue Ceramics is not responsible for breakages, warping, exploding, cracks and unexpected glaze behaviours or mishaps that occur during a firing.
• We do not fire:
- work that appears it may warp or explode.
- work that appears still wet.
- work containing any materials other than clay or glazes, stains and oxides– such as metal, paper, fabric, sponge, synthetics, etc.
- work with overly thick applications of glaze such as multiple layers.
- hollow work without a visible hole.
- solid work or work with solid (ie: not hollowed out) parts.
Damage and Refunds
• Should an accidental underfiring occur, you will be notified, and the work will be refired free of charge. If an accidental overfiring occurs there will be no charge – Deeper Blue Ceramics bears no responsibility or liability or recompense for work lost in firing. Kilns, like ceramics in general, are notoriously unpredictable (but that’s why we love it!).
• Your firing costs will be refunded if the kiln firing itself has been responsible for damage to or destruction of work – for example as a result of stack collapse. No claim for replacement cost of the work lost is possible.
• No responsibility is taken for faults if the kiln has fired correctly and the faults are due to issues in the making process.
• If your work has affected the work of others during the firing process (including flashing from glazes) you may bear the cost of the other person’s firing.
• You will be charged for any damage your pieces cause to the kiln/shelves etc
Firing Prices
Rates are determined by how much kiln space your pieces occupy. If your work does not fit the height limit or is an unusual shape or if you are planning to fire beads or many small items please contact us at for a custom rate.
All firing is payable via our website prior to drop off.
Shelf size is 56cm48cm.
Allowed Height per shelf 15cm.
Communal Bisque or Glaze Firing
- 1/4 Shelf - $20
- 1/2 Shelf - $35
- 1 Shelf - $50
Full Kiln (Private) (Bisque/Glaze/Lustre) - $200
Internal Kiln Dimensions are:
Height: 76cm
Depth: 63cm
Width: 54cm
Other costs…
• Damaged kiln shelves – $50 for rectification
• Ruined kiln shelves – $100 replacement fee
• Damage to kiln infrastructure: To Be Advised.